Saturday, January 1, 2011

At some point!

At some point last night the weather came in and left behind several inches of new snow. 

It was well after dark when I told Trish that we might have had dodge the second storms too.  The weather forecast was for two storms to hit this region, one after the other. What a way to end and then start a new year.  However, the first storm dipped south of us living on the northern prairie, but it did the wind, she did blow and rearrange the snow we already had.

Trish and I settled in to watch a movie called The Cove, which was about the plight of dolphins in Japanese water. My, what a story!  After a bit, I got up to get something to drink or head for the turlet. I don't remember for sure which it was.  However, upon reaching the kitchen, I looked out into the darkness lit by a yard light high on a pole.  The wind was wiping the snow all about and a fair amount was falling from the sky.  Nope, we didn't get missed.  Old Man Winter decided to come a callin and left behind several  inches of new snow and drifts that are now clogging my driveway. 

Its early morn now, the first day of the new year.  The wind she still blows, but the snow has stopped for now.  I will have to wait until morning break to see how much snow we actually got.   However, I can see that the coop will need shoveling before I can open the door.  The path leading from the house to the cars is no more.  The small watering hole that the geese created, is now flat covered in snow.  The geese will now have to wait til spring the bathe again.

The morning light is coming up and the Chickadees are digging for seed in the feeder.  I will have clean out some snow for them to feed. There are few woodpeckers out there braving the wind and snow too.  They feed on the fat I harvested off the deer this fall.  There are drifts all about and the drive is clogged like I thought it would be.  The snow is again falling, but the flakes are small.

Its time to go check on the critters and shovel snow.  After which, I will make breakfast of fresh eggs, onions and venison burger for Trish and I......


  1. Oh it sounds like a winter wonderland! Hope you have a great day and don't get too cold! =)

  2. I could almost see all of that happening. I hope all the critters are ok.
