Sunday, August 5, 2012

Early morning visit

A earlier visit brought it's end! 

Round about 4am Gandalf goes off on something in the darkness of the per morning light, which was more shadow and dark places than light. Not long after the standard warning barks, Gandalf's voice changed to something more serious. This was my signal to check things out. I slipped into some clothes, found the flash-lite, the .22 and exited the house. The sound of the door closing behind me brought Gandalf to my side, where upon he guided me to coop where something moved in the darkness. I could hear it rustling about the front part of the coop looking for a way into the chicken. Getting a bit closer, the smell hit me first then the scurrying skunk came waddling out the front of the coop. We escorted the skunk a safe distance away from the area, where upon it turned around and was heading back... Gandalf barked, I yelled and the .22 ended it all. So goes the Pepe this night!

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